Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Viagra HAS returned baby's life

To save the baby, British medics used atypical means for these purposes - a medicine for erectile dysfunction Viagra.
Doctors from Newcastle have given a medicine for impotence to Lewis Gudfellou, born on 24 week of pregnancy with weight only 780g because of disfunction of lungs and as a result lack of oxygen.
With help of Viagra it was possible to open tiny blood vessels in lungs of the baby which have started to supply in a normal mode blood with oxygen.
Alan Fenton from Hospital of Queen of Victoria has told, that though oxygen can be forced in lungs babies by special pump, at Gudfellou the blood-groove was insufficiently strong to distribute it on all body: « Action of Viagra is based on opening blood vessels that they could grasp oxygen and carry it on a body ».
Small Lewis's parents have been so assured that their son will die that have already started to prepare for his funeral while doctors have not told them that Viagra can work: « I do not think, that it is possible to put words into that we feel. Doctors have made for us invaluable gift. We adore each of them that they have returned ours son a life », - has told mother of baby Dzhejd Gudfellou.

Viagra (cildenafil citrate) and erection

Feature of Viagra is that it restores ability of the man to erection, and simply causes increase of erection for 4 hours. As to the mechanism of Viagra’s action on erection it increases amount of blood acting in a sexual organ that helps a man to get a natural erection. Viagra works only when the man has natural sexual excitement and when the sexual act is finished, the sexual organ naturally comes back in weak condition. Viagra works only on natural mechanisms of erection. And this is it’s undisputable know-how and a secret of huge popularity of viagra.
Viagra was tested by more than 3000 men in the age of from 19 till 87 in researches of erectile disfunction, spent worldwide. Duration of infringements of erection at these patients has averaged 5 years (from 6 months till 26 years), and frustration of erection was organic, psychogenic and mixed organic and psychogenic. Results of researches of Viagra show, that Viagra is effective for restoration of erectile function and improvement of erection parameters at plenty of patients, including those sick with diabetes, with damage of a spinal cord, other accompanying clinical conditions, and also at the patients taking a lot of medicines at the same time. Therefore Viagra is the answer to the question how to increase erection.

Free viagra "has turned" a life of small town

Mair of small Brazilian town has begun free distribution of viagra to make "more sharply" a sexual life of numerous older persons.
" Since we have begun free distribution of sexual stimulants, our elderly generation has changed. It became much happier " - has told mair of Novo Santo Antonio, small town in central state Mato Grosso.
According to the town governor, 68 men are more senior than 60 years already have subscribed for this program approved by the legislation of city. Moreover, some time later in Portugal there was a similar program under the name " the Happy penis " (" Pinto Alegre ").
But the program also had unforeseen consequences: some elderly men instead of strengthening family have started to seek sex elsewhere. Nevertheless mair has found a way out of this situation. Now the municipal government gives out treasured tablets exclusively to wives of loveful misters. " Thus, when women are " in mood ", they can give a tablet to the husbands ", - mair has summed up.